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Tuesday, July 3, 2018


mchungaji anaye fahamika kwa jina la Tito wats Anasema alitokewa na Yesu, akampa tiketi kibao kugawia watu wenye dhambi ili siku ikifika waingilie kwenye mageti ya mbinguni.

Bei ya tiketi moja ni USD 500 zaidi ya Millioni moja ya Kitanzania.

Alipokamatwa amesema hajali, maana anajua anateswa kwa sababu ya kufanya kazi ya Mungu.

Watu wengi wanaandamana kupinga kukamatwa kwa mchungaji wao, kwa sababu hizo pesa wanazotoa ni zao, na kwa hiyari yao kwa ajili ya uzima wao.

Huyu ni mchungaji wa zimbabwe anayeitwa Tito Wats.
Zimbabwe: Pastor arrested for selling tickets to heaven - Afrinik

Watu wengi wataendelea kudanganywa na kudanganyika kwa kujizuia kufikiri.
Bibilia inasema hakuna jipya chini ya jua.
Kosa analolifanya huyu mchungaji limewahi kufanywa huko nyuma miaka ya 1500 watu wakanunua Vyeti vya misamaha ya ndugu zao waliokufa. unalipa pesa unapewa cheti cha kusamehewa dhambi ndugu yako aliyokufa.

Haya yote hayana budi kutokea ili ule mwisho uje. Usiwe mfuasi wa Mtu kuwa mfuasi wa vitabu vitakatifu.


Zimbabwe: Pastor arrested for selling tickets to heaven

It does not happen one day that news as weird ones, the others do not surface on the internet and this time, it’s a pretty awesome story about a Zimbabwean pastor.

In fact, a Zimbabwean pastor, Pastor Tito Wats, has been arrested by Zimbabwean police for financial crime

According to the police, Pastor Tito Wats told thousands of people that it was Jesus who had appeared to him, and then gave him tickets for $500, especially for sinners, so that they could also enter the paradise.

“I do not care what people or the police say about me, I’m persecuted because I’m doing God’s work.”

“Jesus Christ appeared to me and gave me the pure gold notes so that I could sell them to people who want salvation,” the pastor said bravely.

However, thousands of people protest against the pastor’s arrest and call on the police to release him immediately as they use their own money to buy salvation.

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