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Thursday, June 28, 2018


Tanzania Context Nation-building , the Policies are:-
Non-Religious but language homogenous
The national language policy.
Tanzania used to maintain the national language as Kiswahili being announced as national language since I967 then was I00 useful and being subjected and standardized for being used informal of education schools and in medias like in TBC (Miguel, 2004). Then the national language being spread into national sphere of the state. Despite the language itself being originated from indigenous of the coast of the Indian but do spread on the East African countries as aimed to promote unity among themselves (Wangwe 2005). For the aim of being full time used and spread among the people in the united republic school education (kindergarten & primary) was in use of the language for all subjects except English subject. Yet the curriculum itself being used to impart the nation heritage Kiswahili language was on the base.
The education system policy.
Respecting the national language, the stress of Tanzanian is developed in history, culture and values to words nationalism and African union through the national language, National songs (anthem), which emanates from studying civics education where in primary do study uraia, in secondary education is civics, and in Advanced secondary education General studies, which emanates the Discipline as the pre requisites of national building (Green 2011). Then for the case of union building (the national unity the graduates do engage on the obligatory military national service for two years but retivised into three months before joining university for further studies in the nation. Meaning for their clear specialization trainings like being teachers, doctors, public administrators, statisticians, geographers and environmentalist etc (const:-_________________________) where they all study the issue of development studies course for the aim of understanding various ways and theorems which can be used in development of the nations like maraist, developmentalism or governmentalism which holds different values to ward nation building like workers to unite and fight against the exploitative class, cutting off dependence from the western societies and people being national, using knowledge and convicting environment.
Political leadership and ideologies.
The philosophy of the leader and the believe are among of the clear form of policy towards national development programme, In Tanzania during Mwalimu life time  his philosophy of national unity, single part system and the likely hood of patriotism was clear influenced by the Pan-Africanism and socialism ideologies as he was in realy fighting against tribalism for the development of the nation and assumed also that are the hindrances of development of unity within and among African states. (Abdulaziz I980) Ujamaa was introduced as for Vis-a Visa of the western socialism aiming at freedom equality and unity, then villagelaization introduced for the aim of clear and easy distribution of social services (Babeiya 20I0), Then formation and reformation of local government example in I980  after living I0 years of unknown in the country after Kagera war. (Kessy 2008). In general all of these were done under the given one party system and not a multipart system. And after transition from TANU to CCM.  That’s why there were no critiques even if the country was seen to be deteriorating and sometimes the policies were not acceptable to the citizen for example Ujamaa policy asked to the killing of Dr. Kreluu at Iringa. (RC) with whom influencing for the people to unite especially big tamers who were wrong inseattered life.
Implementation conducting non religious or Ethics census. After I967
The emphasis of ethnicity or religiosity in the public sphere including in education system abolishment.
Yet the scholers about this research do argue that they were prohibited to conduct research basing on these, but the government did not demolish their power held but these were the footsteps towards the elimination of the divisive, tribe, religion factors which are millitaring national unity and progress. (Jrip I999, Chazan I982.) But about religion in more sensing to government do talk about the presence of two dominant religion which are Christian and Muslim that are equal in statuses, ranks and members number, and other traditional related are not in measure.
The Malaysia Nation-building projects runs along the policies like:-
The education (National educational) policy
Education has long been recognized by sociologists as the most effective agent to transmit to new nations all the values, norms and experiences of civilization developed by previous generations. Yet I was associated with the national language as the government reports (Jbrahim Sad: I979.5I), therefore is seeming to be crucial for the success of nation-building societies. Then is once also a stand as the principle institution for overcoming problems of ethics, cultural pluralism. The education is aiming not to benefit their ethinic community and not Britain.
National language policy.
The Malaysians do use English and Chinese in education while the national language being malay does not be affected but is used in full time employed leaders should speak the malay language aiming for unification. The language has been allocated on the constitution 1(1) this act may be cited as the national language Act language Acts 1963/67 and shall, subjected to sub section (2) apply throughout Malaysia.
About the religion of the federation policy
Islamic is the religion of the federation, but other religion may be practiced in peace and harmony in any part of the federation. (Article 3(1)).
Political leadership and ideology of the Malaysian policy
The government is closely linked with the west minister-parliament as a direct influence from the colonialization, Britain, Ideological based on authoritarian reigm example from the leadership premiership between 19 81-2003, Mr.Abdullah gave more power to ant corruption (short history of Malysia)
The similarities between Tanzania and Malaysia in Nation-building projects are as follows:-
Economic development projects as planned by both Nations.
The economy of Malaysia has transformed itself from the economy of dependence on materials productions with large poor population to multisector economy with middle income population since 1970’s, but from 1980 the industrial sector has too developed and become the source of the economic growth. Then private sector become the booster of economic and by 5 years from 1997’s experienced the decline in economic due to government policy on package, law inflation and low external dept.
For the development of economy both operates along Agriculture as the healthily mother of economy forestry and fishing, then all experience decline on nothing in production outputs but have decline proportionality of economic output. For example while both do produce the palm oil and banana, cocoa coconuts, pepper, pineapples, rice, but lacks market on the external
Then control on mining and minerals: in both countries despite having many types minerals but in contribution for development is on Malaysia is 0.4/ While domestic gross product 6.7 from 0.1 and in Tanzania is 0.1% out of 100% from ACCASIA- then industries and manufacturing as we in Tanzania have SIDO during Ujamaa and 1980’s we were full developed of manufacturing and Malaysia on 1980-2005 high technology export have accounted for much of industrial growth.
Energy production consumption and marketing all has allowed to private sectors t the tender of supplying, thus after the failure of government as in Tanzania there is TANESCO in Malaysia and both countries natural resources like gas is vested state owned both deals with providing employment on industrial (W. Bank).
Tourism to Malaysia contributes as much as the economic growth.
Education and the Politics of national building.
The project of reducing illiteracy rate in the nation here the two nations Tanzania and Malaysia are linked through ways of implementation of such project. Here the policy of education system is in concern as follows;
All introduced that the national language that is Kiswahili and Malay to be used in the form of all public/ government schools especially in primary level of education but there is the free will on following the private sphere which in Tanzania do operate through English medium of communication. In Malaysia they inspired the Malaysia language for the basis of the national identity. Then the government has build some schools and universities and supported them, example university of Dar es salaam and Merdeka university but whose trained by malay language in Malaysia, but critics to them is graduates from public university Vis-à-vis graduates from English medium college on job securing as in Tanzania the Vis-à-vis of those from the universities of the government and college of the private sphere on seeking job if basing on competence.
Security issues and National unity projects.
Both do have army practices on their nations( navy, air and army)and do conscription as well as national service .The Tanzania constitution platform that every citizen in 1967 should attain the general training of the military. Then it was to all citizen and graduates were having to attend at least for two years which later changed into three months aiming at reducing the bad behavior of the people ‘The nation building behavior was a pre-required for shaping the individual behaviors before high level of education. Even in the federal republic state that what they are seeking is union among them through having clear security by maintaining peace and shaping people through obligatory mandatory military services for two years. Also both do preserve union by promoting the use of the national language that is Kiswahili in Tanzania and Malay in Malay in Malaysia (Janborn 2007 Act: 1: (1) respective then Malaysia want further for announcement of state religion that is the declaration of Islamic religion Article 3 (1) aiming for unity.
Transport and communication system  as the project for national building.
Both has the modern telecommunication and transportation but varies inequalities as differ in a geographically but all services of constructional under government especially road building in the localities or in the place with high mountains, then the minister have to expenditure for transport estimated U$ 400.1 million for year 2016 as in Tanzania where it was under minister John Pombe Joseph Magufuri, both networking system in telecommunication is clearly based on the Asian state and the government themselves has tried to establish various organization so as to improve such sectors as in Malaysia introduced multimedia super corridor (Msc) Tanzania’s government introduced ICT and TEHAMA to the primary education students, then do example in Malaysia 528 km between Singapore & Bulterworth, then roads, ports as of Teleku ewa and of Dar es salaam, Malaysia, Tanzania respectively airports, pipeline and air communication.
Such countries develops  some differences suchlike:-
Application of ethnic politics in provision of social service projects basing on the perpetuation of religiosity and conducting ethicizing census.
While the Tanzania policies toward the provision of social service and application of politics does not depend much on ethnicity or religious for the sake of national unity however there’s the existence of the very powerful t be like Maasai and Sukuma (Chazan 1982). Also there is no national religion of Tanzania as the constitutional states thase each have right to worship wherever. (Act_________________), then politics is conducted along party based and not ethnic based (Heywood 2007), Education is clear provided to all citizen like CCM, CHADEMA, CUF et, parties visa-vis is seen in Malaysia the Malay are too favored as they are in political dominance of and have very optical of hegemonic tendencies, which they perceive as their detrimental to cultural and ethnic identities. And out of Bahasa, Islam dan Raja it is the Islamic culture difficult to adopt with but still is the federal religion.
The political part are divided into the ethnic lines example Democratic Action Party (DAP) and People Progressive party (PPP) emerged to defend non Malays non political party. (Means 1976:394) argue that DAP argue for the structure Malay is basing on the rich, capitalist class and not peasant government there are about political parties along which political in operate. Unino, NICA, MIC, PAS, PPP, Gerakan, SUPP, PBB and the sabbas Alliance Party, in the issue of employment those who were under the government educational institution, that is the universities. Despite of all having the vision on provision of social services, improving politics of development in provision of the nation unity but differs on approach used.
Government policies towards development of tourism sector as well as environmental conservation.
Since the main focus of the government in Malaysia is at provision or direction towards economic development, tourism sector has more prominent for contribution of economic growth. Then the government enacts various policies so as to develop the tourism form of industrial “As the seona source of foreign exchange policy for security is more prominent so as to avoid terrorism attack like as it was in Bali-Indonesia 2000, October. Yet the tourism sector has increased the issue of currency as from USD 1.7 Billion to 8.4 Billion per year more good condition are to be made by the government as in 2003 and USD 105.3 million special and 5266 million USD was for infrastructure fund building to upgrade tourism facilities and amenities. While in Tanzania have the policy to develop tourism industry despite of having clear commitment of the government but is not the largest as it is however there are existence of various attracts like national parks, mountains, rift valley and of caves of asteroid on Mbeya. Due to unfavorable environment it has leds to low contribution on the nation gross profit of the state example in 2017 it contributed only 16810 this indicates government different on emphasis on the resource of economy.
The formation of the types of the government and the model of representation theorem.
Despite of these countries (Tanzania and Malaysia) to share the common history of colonization by British but the form of the government do differ as all at independence time adopted of what the constitution (West-minster constitution) advocates but soon Tanzania in 1962 adopted the republic constitutions aiming to consolidate all power to the central body executive, then also the conscription of the union government on1964 established the desure unitary system of Tanganyika and Zanzibar with the central unity government, with only one chamber for decision in legislature, then co-related with the house of representative in Zanzibar (which have no power on the matters concerning the unity), centralization of power to the executive and neutrality judiciary. All these were to have the clear demasation that the government, in contrast with the Malaysia where there is existence of monarch system that the government two house of representatives (MPs), existence of judiciary which is not as having supreme power but still controlled by the willing of the central government.

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