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Monday, August 20, 2018

What Happens To Your Body If You Start Eating Two Bananas a Day

What Happens To Your Body If You Start Eating Two Bananas a Day

Aug 18, 2018 4:09 PM

As well as having a great flavor, bananas are also very healthy. If you don’t believe this, try eating two bananas a day and you’ll see how your body reacts.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the many benefits of bananas.

They lower blood pressure levels

Bananas are capable of bringing your blood pressure back to normal levels. This is because they reduce high blood pressure thanks to the fact that they contain around 420 mg of potassium.

They reduce excess weight

Bananas are capable of reducing excess weight thanks to their high fiber content, which means they fill you up for longer.

Bananas are a food that contains resistant starch. This is a substance that reduces appetite and helps prevent you gaining weight. This starch can also help reduce blood sugar levels.

In addition, it increases your body’s sensitivity to insulin, which is very important. After all, if cells aren’t sensitive to insulin, they can’t absorb glucose. Then, you feel hungry. Hence, fat accumulation depends on insulin.

They reduce the chances of suffering from anemia

Bananas reduce the chances of suffering from anemiaAnemia is caused by the lack of iron in the blood and causes extreme tiredness as a consequence of the reduction in red blood cells and low hemoglobin.

Bananas contain high levels of iron, and thus stimulate the formation of red blood cells. Plus, they’re also a source of vitamin B6, which is responsible for regulating the levels of glucose in the blood.

They improve digestion

Bananas are capable of improving yourdigestionThis fruit is easily digested without irritating the digestive tract.

Bananas contain resistant starch which doesn’t get digested. Thus, it reaches the large intestine to support the growth of healthy bacteria.

They reduce stress levels

Bananas will reduce your stress levels andimprove your moodBananas contain tryptophan, a substance that the body needs to produce serotonin, which is known as the happiness hormone.

A banana also contains around 27 mg of magnesium, a mineral which is responsible for making sure we get to sleep, which is related to our mood.

They compensate vitamin deficiencies

Bananas are rich in vitamin B6: one banana contains 20% of the recommended daily dose of vitamin B6. Thanks to this vitamin, the body can produce insulin, hemoglobin and the amino acids needed to create healthy cells.

Bananas also contain plenty of vitamin C. Actually, one banana contributes 15% of the recommended daily intake.

Vitamin C is a great antioxidant and is responsible for neutralizing harmful free radicals, that is to say active molecules that destroy the body.

Thanks to this quantity of vitamin C in bananas, it is very easy for the body to maintain healthy blood vessels and participate in producing collagen.

They give you energy

Thanks to the potassium content of bananas, our muscles are much better protected from cramps. Also, thanks to the carbohydrates they offer our body, we obtain the energy needed to endure hard training.

Recommendations to bear in mind

When it comes to eating bananas, you should bear in mind that the ripeness of the banana directly affects its nutritional qualities. If you buy green bananas, you should know that they consist principally of starch.

As we’ve mentioned, starch is a polysaccharide of glucose molecules which releases energy little by little. The starch makes bananas difficult to digest for the body.

If you choose ripe bananas, they contain 90% sucrose and only 7% starch. Sucrose consists of one molecule of glucose and one of fructose. As a result, it’s absorbed more quickly and its impact on glycemia and insulin response is greater.

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