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Sunday, August 26, 2018

What are the strongest military armies in the world?

What are the strongest military armies in the world?

Aug 25, 2018 4:54 AM

Ali Attar

Webmaster at ListoGraphic (2017-present)

10w ago

Hey guys, without wasting any of your time.

Here are the countries with strongest military in the world (2018 Ranking)

You can see complete list over here: 2018 RANKED: 30 Most Powerful Militaries in the World

1-United States of America

Ranking in the World: Military 1st | Navy 1st |AirForce 1st

Budget: $611.2 billion

Total personnel: 1,373,650

Active personnel: 798,527Reserve personnel: 990,0250.7295% of total population

Total aircrafts: 13,762, Total tanks: 5,884, Total naval assets: 415


Ranking in the World: Military 2nd | Navy 3rd |AirForce 2nd

Budget: $69.2 billion

Total personnel: 3,371,027

Active personnel: 798,527Reserve personnel: 2,572,5002.368% of total population

Total aircrafts: 3,794, Total tanks: 20,216, Total naval assets: 352

3- China

Ranking in the World: Military 3nd | Navy 2nd |AirForce 3rd

Budget: $215.7 billion (2nd largest in the world)

Total personnel: 3,712,500

Active personnel: 2,260,000Reserve personnel: 1,452,5000.2702% of total population

Total aircrafts: 2,955, Total tanks: 6,457, Total naval assets: 714

4- India

Ranking in the World: Military 4th | Navy 7th |AirForce 4th

Budget: $55.9 billion

Total personnel: 4,207,250

Active personnel: 1,362,500Reserve personnel: 2,844,7500.3320% of total population

Total aircrafts: 2,102, Total tanks: 4,426, Total naval assets: 295

5- France

Ranking in the World: Military 5th | Navy 6th |AirForce 7th

Budget: $55.7 billion

Total personnel: 387,635

Active personnel: 204,000Reserve personnel: 183,6350.5799% of total population

Total aircrafts: 1,305, Total tanks: 406, Total naval assets: 118

Cristian Ariel Rodriguez

studied at Facultad De Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniería Y Agrimensura

102w ago

All of this you can check in

And for an easy o the strenght numbers just google wikipedia in list of equipment of each country (pay atention to the references that support them)

1_United States

2- Russia



5-United Kingdom



8-South Korea









Then all the rest of the countrys with a modern navy with several frigates like: Netherlands, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia.

Why the list?. Military power is not only numbers (they do matter), is also technology and the hability to mantain it and produce ammunition and spare parts at least for it. And economy, it takes a great part.

Obviously nukes.

All the op 6 countrys are nuclear countrys with the hability to launch them globally. If you look, they all are able to launch satellites also (with the exception of UK).
note also that after the 6 nuclear capable countrys the 3 following are highly developed, highly technologycal and global economical superpowers with the hability to develope nuclear weapons and delivery ballistic missiles if they need, Germany, Japan and South Korea.

United States is obviously the number 1.

The major economy of the worldThe largest navy in the world with the largest numbers of submarines, aircraft carriers, cruisers and destroyers. With a so large naval aviation that it is bigger than any other air force of the world, even Russia.It can produce almost all its equipment (altough they import several things and buy license of others)The largest Air Force of the world, bigger than all the next 4 countrys in the top 5 .Second large army in the planet with 1.5 million active troops and hughe military reserves (in the shape of the acutal reserves and the National Guards and Air National Guards)One of the 2 nuclear superpowers capable of practically destroying the world.

Take in consideration that all that is all the tame compromised around the globe like NATO, Japan, SKorea, Taiwan, and the constant invations and interventions the US does around the world whenever they want.

Rusia is second clearly:

The largest armored forces in the world. 380 T-90, 450 T-80U, 1900 T-72, in active service. 6000 T-72 on reserve, 3000 T-80 in reserve, 2000 T-64s in reserve. And looking to Ukraine we now that they actually can put those reserve tanks on service very quickly as Ukranians did with their abandoned tanks in a lot worst condition than the russian ones. They justThe largest user of antiship missileThe most capable and complete aerospace defense networkSecond large air force in the worldOne of the most large armys in the planet with 800,000 troops more reservesProducer of the entirety of its industrial needs and technologyA large and heavily armed navy with 2 nucler powered giant battleships with enough missiles to take on their own the combined navys of the entire european union. And 3 battle cruisers similar to those.3 of their fleets have more frigates than the navys of Italy and Spain and they have a large number of corbetes capable of launching the Klub missiles at 1600miles, thing no western corbete can do.3th largest submarine fleetthe other nuclear superpowerlargest artillery force of the planet

China for:

Being the 2 largest economy ont he worldArguably the mightiest industrial power of the XXI centuryThe 3rd largest nuclear arsenal and the only country outside US and Russia capable of attack with ICBN any city on the world3th largest air force in the world2nd largets navy in the world, after the US, and growing in numbers and technology (4 landind ships, 1 carrier, anothe rin construction, 32 destroyers, 45 frigates)2nd largest submarine fleet (70 diesel and nuclear submarines)Largest army int he world with 2.5 million active troops and several millions reservesstrong anti ship and anti air missile forces

China is not very afar from the other 2 in a lot of tech that 10 years ago was science fiction for China to have. Now they are rushing to get aircraft carriers, producing 4th gen fighter, AWACS, AEWs, developing at least 3 5th gen fighers.
Yet China can not produce its own turbofan engines and relys on russian exports to equipt its airforce.


2nd largest European armyLargest european Air Forceproducer of its own techOne big nuclear carrierArguably the second european fleet after UKNuclear power with submarine launched nuclear weapons after USA, Russia and China.2nd european economy


1 small carrier, another in construction, still small compared to the frenchs.Expeditionary well trained and experienced army which is the 3th largestNuclear power with submarine launched nukes3th european economy


3th larger army in the worlda large navy with a medium carrier2nd asian air force with state of the art european and russian fightersnuclear power with medium range ballistic missiles


3th largest asian air force with state of the art techa large army4th strongest navy in the planet with 4 light carriers/helicopter carriers called Helicopter "Destroyers", 3 landing ships, 6 10,000 tons destroyers, 18 6000 tons destroyers, and 12 frigates.17 submarine strong fleet made in japan with arguably the best technology of the world (and now they will start selling)

South Korea

500,000 strong army1800 strong MBTs4th largest navy in asia and most larger than any european power except UK and France4th largest air force in asia with state of the art technologyone of the largest artillery forces of asia


4th largest economy in the world, 1st european4th larget army in europesmall higly technological navytechnological and industrial world power making their own technology4th largest european air force


5th european air force3th european navysmall well trained armystrong defense industry specially in combat ships (Navantia), the are part of airbus and fihgter production as Italy and produce many armored vehicles, cannons, etc.5th european economy


Largest european army3rd largest european air forceaverage european armored forces (France, Germany, UK, Spain, Greece, Italy, all have less than 500 tanks)They are an strong player in the defense industry producing armored vehicles, missiles, helicopters, aircrafts, and ships4th european economy

Then Turkey is like the european countrys in equipment (European and US) with some local machines and many under license. Have large numbers in air force and army.

Greece have numbers in pair with Italy and Spain in army troops, tanks, fighters, and produce some licenced equipment, always thinking in facing Turkey.

Pakistán is there just because it regional influence, large numbers (behind in tech with India) and their regional nukes for India.

Australia have small army, small navy, and small air force. But all very modern, trained and able to support NATO on expeditionary missions around the globe, assisting the US in the pacific and very well capable of defending itself.


strongest south american countryone of the top 10 global economysincreasinlly producing own and licensed equipment

Still Brazil have a modest old fleet, a few subs, a STOBAR small carrier only for training purposes since it is obsolete and its carried wing is A-4Q's with dumb bombs. Their air force is very small and outdated, going to be replaced by just 36 brazilian built under license Grippens after 2025.
Their army have few obsolete tanks, small artillery forces, a high number of helicopters and the most numerous troops in the subcontinent.

Tarun Vasudevan

Graduate Military, Government of India (2015)

106w ago

At the outset I would just like to inform the readers that this is a pro Indian Army version. Partly because I'm a member, and the other part's in the answer.

Comparison of armies can be drawn with due regards to parameters like weapon tech, form of hierarchy in chain of command, ability and swiftness in reacting to a given crisis, social image and relation with the society and a lot more. And the reason to draw comparisons on such vast grounds is because army doesn't restrict itself to protect the nation from external threats. They account for taking care of internal threats, natural disasters and a lot more. In short, a multi role organization has to be judged on diverse parameters.

Now coming down to comparison, clearly we fail to match with the standards of a large number of armies. United States maintains a head start when it comes to weapon technology. Clearly, they have a better intelligence quotient.  The participating races in various armies makes them physically stronger and more suited for the profession too( Ex: The Serbs, The Russians, The Germans) . Where we set our PT standards at a mere 10-15 chin ups, their standards are in the order of 30-35 (as in case of Egyptian Army in so far as I'm aware ). Clearly they are physically stronger. As for adapting to the society I'm sure we have reasons to believe we're not doing so good on that part considering what Kanhaiya had to say about us (not that it matters to any of us here though). Whereas in comparison a person of the armed forces of the United States is looked upon with utmost respect, in view of the sacrifices he or she makes, perhaps cause the people are able to recognize and appreciate the trials in question. 
So we can't match their F-35B with our Su-30 MKI. We can't match the Russians in physical strength when the size of our thighs matches the size of their biceps. We can't match with the Pakistanis when it comes to the count of nuclear warheads we possess. Or can we?

That one thing that really sets the Indian Army apart from all the other armies in the world is  -  'Jugaad' as we call it here in India. As funny as that sounds ladies and gentlemen, it's all about branding. We here in India believe in the crux of the issue and hence we don't give much importance to branding. But with due importance to branding jugaad,  changes to survivability. We have T-9s and Su-30 MKIs and a huge man force. And we know how to use what we have,  to our advantage. Of course, since there hasn't been any direct physical contact with the world armies there is no concrete proof in existence. But for whatever contact we've had with Pakistan the Indian Army has unfailingly proven it's mettle. Considering the number of casualties caused in any given natural disasters occurring here in India, owed to our population density, Indian Army has played a pivotal role in keeping it contained to a minimal. The Uttarakhand floods or the crisis in Chennai stand as crystal examples. Also, owed to the mental fitness and stamina, our special forces always wins in endurance on global platforms... Mind you... always. Considering that the Indian Army is master of the highest battlefield on earth, and is deployed almost everywhere (Coastlines, Ridgelines, Riversides, Hill Stations, Planes etcetera) and it possesses the unique sense of unrelenting survivability, it is indeed the strongest army in the world.

Gaurav Naithani


69w ago

I hope I am not late to give answer of this question. 
So here we go, using 50 factor to determine the power of country the global power 2016 index listed.
List comprises 126 super power in world
It Include both advance or least develops country based on several factor like geographic location, advance technology, arsenal strength, current economic health etc
Its not concluded any political condition or nuclear power & land lock country are also not penalized for navy absence.

Undoubtly first one is
1 --- USA
 active personnel 1400000
 reserve personal 1100000
 aircraft 13444
 tank. 8848
 naval 467.

2 ---Russia 
Active personnel 766055
Reserve personnel 485000
Aircraft 3547
Tank 15398
Naval 392

3 ---china
Active personnel 2335000
Reserve personnel 2300000
Aircraft 2942
Tank 9050
Naval 673

4 ---INDIA
Active personnel 1325000
Reserve personnel 2153000
Aircrafts 2086
Tank 6464
Naval 202.


Karthick Subramaniam

52w ago

Credit Suisse, a Swiss multinational financial company has listed out the world’s strongest militaries on August 2016. Considering various factors like: Number of active military personnel (5% of total score), Number of battle tanks (10%), Number of attack helicopters (15%), Number of combat aircraft (20%), Number of aircraft carriers (25%), and Number of submarines (25%).

Rank 1: United States of America

Rank 2: Russia

Rank 3: China

Rank 4: Japan

Rank 5: India

Rank 6: France

Rank 7: South Korea

Rank 8: Italy

Rank 9: United Kingdom

Rank 10: Turkey

Andy McGee

184w ago

Since you used the term 'Armies' - U.S., U.K., Russia, China and North Korea and not necessarily in that order. Air Force would be China, the Chinese Air Force is just massive;  and Navy would be U.S. by far. The American Navy is the main reason we are a superpower, our 11 Carrier Strike Groups have the power to unleash an unbelievable amount of firepower and destruction. Israel, Pakistan, Brazil, Turkey and India also have formidable militaries.

Bear in mind that this is a loaded question. 'Strength' in a military force is determined by many factors; primarily combat experience and support. If you have a group of combatants with prior combat experience and a great support system such as logistics, medical, re-supply etc they have a distinct advantage. Technology, communications and sheer numbers are among other factors. And since wars are won or lost by entire militaries, the cooperation of it's branches is also paramount. Say for instance that Libya had the strongest army on Earth but no air force or navy at all, well then it wouldn't be much of a threat to the U.S. who has three strong branches.

Tanmaya Das

121w ago

Not considering nukes-
(Some may argue that Israel should be on this list, but Israel has a very small and weak navy, same for Pakistan)
Considering nukes-
(Even though North Korea has nukes, they are less than 10, not enough to alter wars. There is no concrete evidence of Israel having nukes)

Abdul Haseeb

BS Computer Engineering, Minnesota State University, Mankato (2021)

106w ago

1. United States

Power Index: 0.2475
Defense Budget: $689,591,000,000
Active Military Personnel: 1,477,896
Labor Force: 153,600,000
Total Aircraft: 15,293
Total Naval Strength: 290.

2. Russia

Power Index: 0.2618
Defense Budget: $64,000,000,000
Active Military Personnel: 1,200,000
Labor Force: 75,330,000
Total Aircraft: 4,498
Total Naval Strength: 224

3. China

Power Index: 0.3351
Defense Budget: $129,272,000,000
Active Military Personnel: 2,285,000
Labor Force: 795,500,000
Total Aircraft:5,048
Total Naval Strength: 972


Power Index: 0.4346
Defense Budget: $44,282,000,000
Active Military Personnel: 1,325,000
Labor Force: 487,600,000
Total Aircraft: 1,962
Total Naval Strength: 170

Power Index: 0.5185
Defense Budget: $57,875,170,000
Active Military Personnel: 224,500
Labor Force: 31,720,000
Total Aircraft:1,412
Total Naval Strength: 77

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