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Monday, August 20, 2018

What are the most devastating "finishers" (moves to get the pin) in WWE/WWF history?

What are the most devastating "finishers" (moves to get the pin) in WWE/WWF history?

Aug 17, 2018 5:23 PM

Nitin Prince

worked at Tata Consultancy Services (2015-2017)

115w ago

There are few moves which if performed  , can leave their opponents incapacitated for quiet some time. They are :-

Orton’s Punt

Banning Orton’s punt was somewhat surprising because we felt he had more control over his kick’s impact than a lot of other wrestling moves, which targeted the head and neck. Nevertheless, the WWE banned Orton’s punt because of concussion awareness. At the same time, it’s not like Orton needed the move to succeed. It was part of a storyline, so the WWE let it slowly die without backlash.

450 Splash

Many times it happens that the wrestler performing this losess his control and lands in wrong posture putting him in trouble. Also when he jumps , he can land on any body part other then chest to abdomen which is very risky.

Original Piledriver

Remember when Owen Hart performed this move on stone cold Steve Austin breaking his neck and almost taking his life. This move is dangerous as ever.

Double Underhook Back-to-Back Piledriver

A small mistake and you break you opponent's neck. That makes it so easy for you to win. This move is banned in WWE and other major wrestling shows but rumours says they still perform this in Japan.


This move is dangerous as it seems. Falling on the ground on you face can cause lot of injury and and incapacitate your opponent. This move is being used by entire McMahon family ;) .


This move is actually very powerful . And if the wrestler who is performing this is also pumped up. Then that's it. There is absolutely no chance you can even move.

Jackhammer ( my favorite )

Though you think it is just like suplex , it isn't. Goldberg perform's this move with all of his strength. And when you are coming down on ground with slighly more momentum then normal , you are in big trouble.

SPOILER ALERT - moves like choke slam , rko , people's elbow , codebreaker , crossrhodes , etc won't cause much damage. You can actually search this fact on internet on can perform this at home too ( but be careful ).

P.S. - I've mentioned only those FINISHERS which are dangerous. There are moves which are not categorised as finisher but are very dangerous and breath taking.

Ishan Joshi

260w ago

Let me start by saying, THE MOST DEVASTATING MOVE IS A BOTCHED MOVE.Many people have lost their careers, and in some cases their lives, because they were involved in a botched move. Once we got that cleared, let me continue with my actual answer.

In my opinion, a devastating finisher is one in which the opponent has no role to play in its execution. In effect, its a true wrestling move that hurts because the opponent isn't expecting the degree of pain he is about to receive.

 In that sense, both my childhood favorites are actually duds - Chokeslam and Tombstone Piledriver. So is Stunner,Rock bottom ,any lift and throw move, any move in which the wrestler falls over the opponent (either from the turnbuckle or over the ring). All these moves require some co-operation by the opponent otherwise they won't look fascinating or will be botched. So what hurts genuinely ?

The actual answer to this is submission moves. You can tell that by the general tactic employed by UFC fighters. The most boring to look at moves which (when done properly) hurt and incapacitate more than anything else (ankle lock, armbar, sleeper hold, triangle choke, sharpshooter, figure four...). However many of WWE's submission moves look fake and hence they are not under contention.

Whats left then ? Punches, Kicks, and running attacks.

Punches? Punches do hurt a lot when they are used as finishers. Wrestlers try to make them realistic to dramatize an otherwise simple move. Great examples are "Clothesline from hell" by JBL. "heart punch" by Umaga and "Knock out punch" and the "Chest slap" by the Big Show. You can watch all these moves in slow motion and see the opponents body getting disfigured while the hand makes contact. They really hurt no doubt about that. Special mention would be Sheamus clubbing the opponents chest while the opponent is trapped in the ropes. You can actually see the opponents chest getting significantly redder than when he started.

Kicks? There are many kicks employed as finishers by wrestlers but all of them look more like gimmicks than moves that might actually hurt. Am talking about Big Boot, Bicycle kick (brogue kick lol) . Drop kick, Super kick ( Sweet Chin Music)  ...

Running Attacks? These constitute the highest number of devastating attacks as there is very little time for the opponent to react towards them. These include the run and fall attacks done by very heavy wrestlersrun and kick/buttstomp a fallen opponent at the turnbuckle.DDT of any form ! Special mention is theGuillotine leg drop by the Undertaker. This move always leaves me praying that the opponents head hasn't come off after its been done. 

Justin Liu

Justin 3:16 says I just whipped your answer

320w ago

Most devastating move has to be the Stone Cold Stunner.  Here's why:Versatility.  Can be applied in ring, out of ring, vs heels or faces. Speed.  Can be hit at any moment.  This contrasts with most of the other finishers mentioned (e.g., Leg Drop of Doom), which require build up.  The spontaneity of the Stunner fit well with Stone Cold's personality.Beer.  What other finisher can you do with a beer in your other hand?

Punit Kanuga

Following from two decades.

270w ago

The most devastating finishing moves are:

1) F5 (Brock Lesnar)

Recipent hits the mat on his nose with tremendous force, your brain gets refreshed (F5)

2) Tomb Stone Pile Driver (Undertaker)
Hits on right on head taking away your senses.

3) Spear (Goldberg)
When a person of such built hits you, your body breaks in half

4) Choke Slam (Undertaker/ Kane/ Big Show)

Raw display of power & dominance

5) Sweet Chin Music (Shawn Michaels)

Hits from anywhere, lighting quick & instantly switch you off

6) Pedigree (Triple H)

Lie unconscious

7) Batista Bomb (Dave Batista)

Animal power

8) Rock Bottom (The Rock)

A huge hit on back

9) RKO (Randy Ortan)

Unpredictable, splendid & a treat to watch

10) Stone Cold Stunner (Stone Cold Steve Austin)

The perfect jaw breaker

Brian Papa

Trains, says prayers, eats vitamins, but doesn't believe in himself.

322w ago

This really has more to do with the prominence of the guy delivering it. Is he a main event babyface? Is he a monster heel? If the answer is yes to either of those questions, then it's very unlikely that anybody will be kicking out his finisher.

With that said, it's the Undertaker's Tombstone Piledriver. He's always been either a monster heel or a main event face, and because of that only a handful of people have kicked out in the past 20 years.

Evan Barnes

306w ago

My personal faves?

Stone Cold Stunner - Stone Cold Steve Austin
Tombstone Piledriver - Undertaker
Rock Bottom - The Rock
Pedigree - Triple H
RKO - Randy Orton

Just for the sheer volume of pain, execution, buildup and power.


Fan since the Attitude era, still watch it on weekly basis

42w ago

The Piledriver was the most dangerous one. In fact, it is even banned and only Undertaker (i believe) was allowed to use this moves sparringly, after proper approval.

Due to the chance of having serious implication on the neck of the receiver of the piledriver, it was banned in 2000. In fact, it was reported that Stone cold’s career was shortened due to the improper finishing of this move.

In case of kayfabe moves, Stone cold stunnerlooks most devastating to me. Could break neck if the timing are not right and if heavy force is used in the neck. That was one of the move, I never attempted on my brother when we were growing up and doing WWE matches in our room.


7w ago

If you are asking for the most devastating,then Seth Rollins's curb stomp is my 1st pick. Pile-driver(original ones) are banned now-a-days in wwe, this move ended the carrer of Steve austin.If you are watching 205 live now- a- days ,Cedric Alexander finishing move (lumbar check )also makes the list

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